by Bruce | April 13, 2023 | Articles, Business Models, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Just Plain Interesting, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy, Technology strategy
Jamie Dimon’s annual letter to shareholders, which comes out as part of the JP Morgan Chase annual report, was published about two weeks ago. At 42 pages, it takes more than a passing skim-over to digest, but. It is almost universally read among business leaders, and...
by Bruce | March 20, 2023 | Articles, Compensation, Globalization, Leadership, Strategy
Capitalism without failure is like religion without hell. –Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway and to our readership famously of Munger Tolles as well (noted in The Wall Street Journal.) By the time you read this, all of these visuals will be...
by Bruce | March 8, 2023 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Practice Group Management, Recruiting, Strategic Client Management, Strategy, Technology strategy
Covid-19 may be behind us as a daily personal preoccupation, but one major repercussion of its shockingly extended and global impact is still with us: Do we or do we not go back to the office? May we review the bidding? Totally remote/zero days-week in the office is...
by Bruce | February 8, 2023 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Innovative Managing Partners, Leadership, Practice Group Management
The following column is by Dario Ramon Buschor, PhD and incorporates original research of his. He describes himself thus: “I prefer to work with lawyers instead of working as a lawyer. That’s why I, a Swiss lawyer by training became a researcher, lecturer...
by Bruce | February 1, 2023 | Articles, Just Plain Interesting, Marketing
This column is by Janet Stanton, Partner. Adam Smith, Esq. The very (very!) good news is that IRL conferences are back. We recently attended two on opposite coasts just over the course of ten days What is definitely not so welcome is that lanyards are back as...
by Bruce | January 22, 2023 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, Strategy
Consider: According to PwC’s annual 2023 survey of CEOs worldwide (4,410 from 105 countries), 40% said they did not see their own companies as viable in 10 years if they stayed on their current path. Bob Moritz, PwC’s global chair, summarized it as follows:...