by Bruce | August 21, 2010 | Articles, Business Models, Cultural Considerations, Strategy
Copious have been the articles about BigLaw partners decamping to start their own firms, but when the story migrates from the legal press (among which I count (comprising The American Lawyer, the National Law Journal, etc.) The Lawyer, LegalWeek, the...
by Bruce | August 15, 2010 | Articles, Business Models, Globalization, Leadership, Strategy, Technology strategy
Technology can be a blessing and a curse and, while my feet are firmly planted in the former camp, that’s not why I’m writing what, I hope, you are about to read. Because it is about technology. I’m writing it for two reasons: I...
by Bruce | July 25, 2010 | Articles, Business Models, Leadership, Strategy
In times of accelerated turmoil such as those we’ve been living through and which appear likely to continue, to the eye’s visible horizon, it can be useful to return to first principles. So, herewith, a quick precis of Joseph Schumpeter’s famous...
by Bruce | November 28, 2009 | Articles, Business Models, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Strategy
For the second installment in our series on Law Firm Business Models, we turn to boutiques. Boutiques, as a player on the landscape of industrial structure, are a familiar character. Boutiques, in fact, exist in countless industries, and seem capable of thriving in a...
by Bruce | November 25, 2009 | Articles, Business Models, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Strategy
Here the first in what I plan will be a series on Law Firm Business Models. Today’s topic is Regional Firms, and the focus of essentially every one of the columns in this planned series will be a discussion of whether the business model under examination is...
by Bruce | October 26, 2009 | Articles, Business Models, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, Partnership Structures
According to the most recent fossil record discoveries, life on Earth dates back about 3,450-million years. But for about the first 85% of that time span, organisms were extremely simple, composed of individual cells, occasionally organized into colonies. Pretty...