by Bruce | December 16, 2015 | Articles, Business Models, Finance, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Strategy
It has become a commonplace—I have bowed to convention and endorsed the notion myself—to observe that law firms are labor-, not capital-, intensive, and that (here’s the dangerous and subtle segue) therefore there would be no benefit to them in taking on outside...
by Bruce | December 1, 2015 | Articles, Business Models, Client Relationships, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Leadership
A few months ago we invited you all to take a survey addressing how truly “collegial and collaborative” your firm is, and how well prepared you felt (a) to be able to knowledgeably point clients towards cross-serving opportunities and (b) to be rewarded...
by Bruce | November 11, 2015 | Articles, Business Models, Client Relationships, Finance, Leadership, Strategy
Recently I had a chance to sit down with Ralph Baxter here in New York for an interview that was just released under the auspices of Thomson Reuters’ Legal Executive Institute. I invite you to take a look and of course to comment.
by Bruce | October 23, 2015 | Articles, Business Models, Cultural Considerations, Globalization, Leadership, M&A, Strategy
This fall we had the opportunity to spend a fair amount of time in the Pacific Northwest—multiple trips to Seattle and Portland—and became better acquainted with the dynamics of that particular local/regional legal market. No mention of those two cities would be...
by Bruce | October 12, 2015 | Articles, Business Models, Cultural Considerations, Globalization, Leadership, Strategy, Technology strategy
This is the second in a two-part series recapping some of our thoughts, analyses, and impressions gleaned during our time in London late last month. The first installment, where we discussed Business Models and Compensation, is here. Today’s topics are...
by Bruce | October 9, 2015 | Articles, Business Models, Client Relationships, Finance, Strategy
The following is reproduced from LegalBusiness with the kind permission of the author, Tony Griffiths, who heads the London office of K&L Gates. Many centuries ago while studying law as an undergraduate, a particularly inspiring corporate law lecturer suggested...