by Bruce | February 11, 2013 | About the Site, Articles, Book Reviews, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, Strategy
Update: Growth Is Dead: Now What? Book launch party Pete Kalis to join yours truly You don’t want to miss this Tuesday February 26/New York You’re invited! Dear Readers, To make the launch party for our new book, Growth Is Dead: Now What? even better, the...
by Bruce | December 16, 2012 | About the Site, Articles, Book Reviews, Business Models, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, M&A, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
We are delighted to announce that we have just published the complete 12-part series Growth is Dead as an e-book. Demand from you, Dear Readers, to be able to have the entire series available in one spot, was unprecedented and trying to satisfy those requests was...
by Bruce | November 24, 2011 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Book Reviews, Just Plain Interesting
Today we’re talking about books. Specifically, Robert Frank’s The Darwin Economy and David Rose’s The Moral Foundation of Economic Behavior. I believe the first–far better known–is a failure and the second–while too drily...
by Bruce | October 17, 2009 | Articles, Book Reviews, Leadership, Strategy
Jim Collins, author of the perennial business best-sellers Good to Great and Built to Last is back, and in this outing he presents what sounds like the most timely How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In. I must note that I count myself a big fan of...
by Bruce | March 23, 2009 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Book Reviews, Finance
From time to time, people ask me what I’m reading when trying to figure out what is going on in the economy these days. A glib response might be, "anything I can get my hands on," but the question deserves a more thoughtful response, so herewith a book...
by Bruce | January 9, 2009 | Articles, Book Reviews
Ten years after publishing The Future of Law, Richard Susskind is back with what in many ways is an extended sequel, The End of Lawyers? If you don’t know Richard (disclosure: I do, and consider him a friend), it’s high time. From the dust jacket:...