by Bruce | December 17, 2004 | About the Site, Articles
Reader participation alert! The question du jour which I’m posing to all of you, dear readers, is: Should I change the white-text-on-black-background look of the site? Here’s the story: When I first launched "Adam Smith, Esq.," I was...
by Bruce | December 12, 2004 | About the Site, Articles
In case you don’t see Law Technology News regularly, their year-end issue features, at pg. 24 in the "real" issue, my article on "How I Came to (Love) Blogging," thanks to the capable and gentle stewardship of that editorial ball of...
by Bruce | December 9, 2004 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Just Plain Interesting
Adam Smith’s thought (the real Adam Smith, that is) has been famously characterized by the economist George Stigler as a "stupendous palace erected upon the granite of self-interest." I have long labeled this a "mischaracterization,"...
by Bruce | December 2, 2004 | About the Site, Articles, Knowledge Management, Technology strategy
The always-inspiring Joy London of "excited utterances" has penned a Blogging 101 article for Legal IT. Although much of what Joy has to say is targeted at what might charitably be described as the extreme novitiates in the audience (what a blog is,...
by Bruce | November 23, 2004 | About the Site, Articles
Long overdue is the entry of Monica Bay, editor-in-chief of Law Technology News and editorial director of Law Firm, Inc. and Small Firm Business into the blogosphere with her already-engaging blog, The Common Scold. Two days before Thanksgiving, it is well to...
by Bruce | November 19, 2004 | About the Site, Articles
With tremendous sadness I report that Janet and I learned yesterday that our 15-1/2 year old short-hair, black & tan, miniature dachshund, Sparky, has cancer. A "mass," as the vet diplomatically put it, about the size of a lemon on the X-ray, at...