by Bruce | March 7, 2005 | About the Site, Articles
"Adam Smith, Esq." has been invited to join American Lawyer Media’s "Legal Blog Network," and I have accepted. The other half-dozen-plus members of the network are all people I know personally or through email and the quality of their...
by Bruce | February 25, 2005 | About the Site, Articles
I put an on-line "photo album" up about "The Gates" installation in Central Park. Check it out. You still have today, Saturday, and Sunday to experience them in person: preposterous, insane, magical, joyous—brings out the child in every...
by Bruce | February 20, 2005 | About the Site, Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Just Plain Interesting
So this has nothing to do with the economics of law firms, but it has a lot to do with professional behavior under incentive regimes. Two economists at the University of Chicago have published a paper analyzing whether realtors (representing the seller of a...
by Bruce | February 18, 2005 | About the Site, Articles, Just Plain Interesting, Knowledge Management, Practice Group Management
A fellow new to me, one Bruce Marcus (a self-described former Upper West Sider, I hasten to add, as well as someone with an enviable first name), alerted me to a post of his about the impact of legal blogs: "Aside from political blogs, few areas have produced...
by Bruce | January 27, 2005 | About the Site, Articles, Cultural Considerations, Just Plain Interesting, Leadership, Strategy, Technology strategy
Ernie Svenson, one of the "Savvy Blawgers" and host of Ernie the Attorney, was just interviewed on JD Bliss about how he came to be a blogger, and among other points was this exchange: JDB: Has blogging been important to you as a means to address...
by Bruce | January 12, 2005 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Just Plain Interesting
The world has just learned that Robert Heilbroner, author of the justly famous and best-selling The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers, first published in 1953 and still in print, died here in Manhattan last week at age...