How High the Sky?

We’re in the thick of BigLaw’s year-end earnings season, where firms left and right are reporting their FY2024 financial results.  The numbers of greatest interest from a macro-industry perspective–setting aside the perennial gossip-intensive zero... read more +

Why Would Anyone want to be Managing Partner?

The following column is by Dario Ramon Buschor, PhD and incorporates original research of his.  He describes himself thus:  "I prefer to work with lawyers instead of working as a lawyer. That’s why I, a Swiss lawyer by training became a researcher, lecturer...

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Lanyards Are Stupid

This column is by Janet Stanton, Partner.  Adam Smith, Esq. The very (very!) good news is that IRL conferences are back.  We recently attended two on opposite coasts just over the course of ten days   What is definitely not so welcome is that lanyards are back as...

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Consider: According to PwC’s annual 2023 survey of CEOs worldwide (4,410 from 105 countries), 40% said they did not see their own companies as viable in 10 years if they stayed on their current path. Bob Moritz, PwC's global chair, summarized it as follows: “Chief...

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What’s So Great About Pay Transparency?

"Transparency!" is a far more clarion call to arms than "Opacity."  And as a securities lawyer, I was trained--and didn't take much convincing, truth be told--that full disclosure was a not so minor deity.  Yet here I am composing on essay on everything that's wrong...

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Letter from London

Remember these? We made it customary here at Adam Smith, Esq. to publish a "Letter from...." after our return from any meaningful business trip to noteworthy cities.  And, thankfully, here we are. When you'ce been away from anything--a Great City, an old friend, a...

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Bruce MacEwen, President
direct: +1.212.866.4800
mobile: .+1.212.866.2630
New York

Janet Stanton, Partner
direct: +1.212.866.4270
New York

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