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The 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics Goes To…..
The Nobel in Econ (a/k/a The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel) for 2024 was awarded a few days ago to Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson of MIT and to James Robinson of the University of Chicago. Here at Adam Smith, Esq., we try to... read more +Happy Birthday, Adam Smith!
Born June 16, 1723, Kirkcauldy, Fyfe, Scotland Today he turns 293.
Something (Macro) Looks Wrong
"Something looks wrong." So begins Greg Ip's most recent column in The Wall Street Journal. What exactly "looks wrong?" Well, the economy, stupid. Specifically, as Ip points out, consumer spending has been rising strongly recently but business investment has been...
New York to $190K!
Well, not quite. "New York To $190!" was, of course, the long-running headline Above The Law printed frequently in more innocent and/or palmier days, with (we suppose) a combination of hope and bemusement. Well, Cravath's pre-emptive strike of going to $180 today...
“Remaking the Law Firm: Why & How”
I recently finished reading George Beaton's and Imme Kaschner's Remaking Law Firms: Why & How (ABA Press: 2016) (George, who I've known for years and count a friend, was kind enough to have the ABA provide me a pre-publication copy) and I'd like to share my...