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Our Existential Moment
Here at Adam Smith, Esq. our robust, and for 20+ years inviolate, policy has been never to comment on current affairs. That ends today. We value no civic principle more highly than the primacy of the Rule of Law. And we have long had the luxury of being able to take... read more +Industrial Concentration in Law Land
‘We want to use this combination to forge a new global elite,’ Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF) CEO Justin D’Agostino tells Legal Business as he discusses the firm’s ambitious merger plans with New York’s Kramer Levin. So opens LegalBusiness’ main article[1] late last...
Happy Thanksgiving!
The 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics Goes To…..
The Nobel in Econ (a/k/a The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel) for 2024 was awarded a few days ago to Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson of MIT and to James Robinson of the University of Chicago. Here at Adam Smith, Esq., we try to...
Single Tier is Dead: Long Live Single Tier
Comes word that Cleary Gottlieb is abandoning its increasingly rarefied “single tier” status and will begin naming Non Equity Partners “with immediate effect.” The intrepid Roy Strom of Bloomberg Law has the story: Cleary recognizes the “innovation and adaptation”...
The Billable Hour and [vs.?] Pricing AI-Driven Legal Services
A few weeks ago, we raised the topic with our friends at Thomson Reuters Legal Practice Management about what the consequences of a widespread deployment of Generative AI might portend for--you guessed it--the business of law firms, and in short order the conversation...