The Beauty of the Eisenhower Box

This column is by Janet Stanton, Partner, Adam Smith, Esq. One of the most enduring and vexing problems we all face (almost all the time) is how to sort through the myriad competing (conflicting?), shifting priorities that arise minute-by-minute and pull us in all... read more +

M&A, Globalization, and Now That “Other Thing”

Written with Janet Stanton, Partner, Adam Smith, Esq. In our first installment in this two-part series, M&A, Globalization, and Another Thing, we posited that although M&A is cyclical, and may be turning down from its stratospheric (and unsustainable) peak of...

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M&A, Globalization, and Another Thing

Of late we've gotten a number of queries from reporters asking us if we think the M&A/private equity investment tsunami of the last year and a half or more has peaked. A wise friend once advised that volunteering forecasts could  be performed safely so long as you...

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Last Call to Associates: How’s The New Normal for You?

Dear Reader-associates. Let your voice be heard while there's still time! With the heavy lifting done by our friends at Above the Law,  we wanted to draw your attention to a brand-new survey delving into how associates have been experiencing the pandemic/lockdown, how...

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Calling All Associates: How’s The New Normal for You?

Dear Reader-associates. With the heavy lifting done by our friends at Above the Law,  we wanted to draw your attention to a brand-new survey delving into how associates have been experiencing the pandemic/lockdown, how their firms and bosses have behaved or...

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The Associate Comp Wars & Thick/Thin Communities

I don’t have the grey cells or, frankly, the spare time to keep track, blow by blow, of the Great Associate Comp Wars of 2022, but fortunately Above the Law does and has.  From January 20th of this year, when Milbank kicked off the festival of riches arms’ race,...

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Bruce MacEwen, President
direct: +1.212.866.4800
mobile: .+1.212.866.2630
New York

Janet Stanton, Partner
direct: +1.212.866.4270
New York

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