- Let’s encourage client origination credit by extending or even making perpetual credit for a client Lawyer A brings in.
- Lawyer A hoards clients and
- Other lawyers bring in cats and dogs because they can’t get credit for working on anything Lawyer A has rights to.
- We’ll set minimal, recommended, or threshold billable hour requirements.
- I’ll stay head-down in my office and drop unbillable client development activities.
- I’ll work one hour more than the threshold and call it a day.
- I’ll, ahem, pad my hours (ooops–that wasn’t published here).
- We’ll reward actual revenue collected.
- Anything and everything I can bring in, without regard to profitability, counts.
- I’ll grant discounts promiscuously to get the client to pay.
You get the idea. Never underestimate the ingenuity of smart and determined people to figure out a way. Rules don’t change behavior; they change the rules of the game, only. The distance from one to the other is enormous.