by Bruce | November 23, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Cultural Considerations, Practice Group Management, Question of the Month
You know what to do! Check this space for final results. Polls will remain open until the Board of Elections (yours truly) says they’re closed. No recounts. [poll id=”21″]
by Bruce | October 5, 2020 | Articles, Branding, Build Back Better, Business Models, Finance, Leadership, Practice Group Management, Recruiting, Strategy
For years—decades, really—the legal industry has suffered from a woeful shortage of meaningful, truly informative ratings of law firms.[1] Today we intend to change that. Introducing the Leopard Law Firm Index, powered by Leopard Solutions and in partnership with...
by Bruce | August 4, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Business Models, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Practice Group Management
Perhaps I should have said upfront in Part 1, but it’s never too late: In this series I’m discussing the office after humanity has re-emerged from the global isolation ward this dratted pox has lowered on us all. I am not discussing, and have no interest in,...
by Bruce | July 26, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Practice Group Management, Strategy, Technology strategy
The world is well into the greatest “natural experiment” in WFH ever seen. No one glided into this; it came as abruptly as an on-off switch. I’m sure the experience at Adam Smith, Esq. was fairly typical: One week (spanning the end of February and the start of...
by Bruce | July 10, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Practice Group Management, Recruiting
We will be participants on a webinar about the inefficiencies in traditional practices in entry-level recruiting and how firms might “build back better” in that area in the new reality. In particular, we will be discussing more data-driven approaches to...
by Bruce | July 6, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Cultural Considerations, Knowledge Management, Leadership, Practice Group Management, Recruiting
The other day we were presenting a webinar (what else?) on “The Lawyer of the Future” to a firm’s summer associate class, now in the midst of their remote (what else?) June and July program, and the quite rational question came up, “What do associates need to know?”...