by Bruce | July 30, 2006 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Practice Group Management, Technology strategy
The latest issue of CIO Insight features a lead article called, "Most Companies Struggle to Measure the Value of IT," and headlines: "No right way has emerged to measure IT value, and the most common measures fare the worst." To hear them...
by Bruce | July 27, 2006 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
My friend Prof. William Henderson of Indiana University Law School/Bloomington has diligently worked on an analysis of the profits-per-partner of single-tier vs. two-tier law firms, which was just published in the North Carolina Law Review (Indiana Legal Studies...
by Bruce | July 26, 2006 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
Legal Week argues that "ensuring the best individuals make it up the partnership ladder has never been harder." They (properly) cite the landmark McKinsey study of nearly ten years ago, The War for Talent, which surveyed 6,000 executives from the "top...
by Bruce | July 12, 2006 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
Does your firm seem to have one strategy in theory and another in practice? That is to say, does your intended strategy differ from the strategy that actually emerges based on people’s behavior? If so, you may not be alone. Indeed, Harvard...
by Bruce | July 10, 2006 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Practice Group Management
What do you do if you’re the three firms who finished at the very bottom of the annual American Lawyer’s rankings for associate satisfaction? That’s what The Wall Street Journal is reporting on today, and while it’s not my...
by Bruce | July 8, 2006 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
A "values-driven organization." Seductive, isn’t it? Who wouldn’t aspire to belong to such an organization? Indeed, what organization wouldn’t aspire to being so characterized? However, in the "be careful what you...