by Bruce | September 2, 2004 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Strategy
One of the themes I recur to here is the indispensable role of leadership, and the ineffability of what makes a great leader. Occasionally a leader will simply "emerge" as the breathtakingly obvious choice, a sort of leader by acclamation (although...
by Bruce | August 23, 2004 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Globalization, Leadership, Partnership Structures
Although this Hildebrandt article dates back to 2000, its premise that law firms of the future will migrate to the model of having full-fledged CEO’s as business leaders strikes me as visionary then and almost palpably the direction in which the world is headed...
by Bruce | August 14, 2004 | Articles, Compensation, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, Partnership Structures
Lockstep, modified-lockstep, lockstep with pay for performance, or pure "eat what you kill?" This is an issue which has not, to say the least, achieved equilibrium. "Equilibrium" in economics means something akin to what "climax...
by Bruce | August 9, 2004 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Partnership Structures
At least according to the Financial Times, in an article about the difficulty of crossing the chasm from senior associate to rain-making partner. In part the difficulty is a familiar one and one we’ve rehearsed before: Lawyers are simply not trained...
by Bruce | August 1, 2004 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Partnership Structures
Heard rumors that a practice group or a specific lateral partner at a competitor is sniffing the wind with thoughts of moving? Does it sound like an opportunity to pick up some expertise or strengthen a franchise? According to Gerald Roche, the uber-recruiter...
by Bruce | July 27, 2004 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Just Plain Interesting, Leadership, Partnership Structures
After all the Sturm und Drang surrounding implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley, how "reformed" are corporate boards? According to Ira Millstein, not very. How could this be? Chalk up another one to human nature: "My impression is that...