by Bruce | July 20, 2006 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Technology strategy
Rarely do the stars align to find David Maister, Richard Susskind, and Kieran Flatt (Legal IT) all writing about the same thing at the same time, but when it so happens the opportunity to try to synthesize their thinking is too rich to pass up. The common topic du...
by Bruce | July 12, 2006 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
Does your firm seem to have one strategy in theory and another in practice? That is to say, does your intended strategy differ from the strategy that actually emerges based on people’s behavior? If so, you may not be alone. Indeed, Harvard...
by Bruce | July 8, 2006 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
A "values-driven organization." Seductive, isn’t it? Who wouldn’t aspire to belong to such an organization? Indeed, what organization wouldn’t aspire to being so characterized? However, in the "be careful what you...
by Bruce | July 3, 2006 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Knowledge Management, Leadership, M&A, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy, Technology strategy
The Financial Times has a special report on "Innovative Lawyers 2006," which I commend to you essentially in its entirety. It’s thoroughly researched, involving soliciting submissions about "innovation" from the largest 200 firms in the...
by Bruce | June 30, 2006 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, M&A, Partnership Structures, Strategy
Guess the speaker (hint: London-based Managing Partner of a firm you’ve heard of): "Over a 10-year period the impact of rationalisation by industry sector has been dramatic. In the banking sector, 28 major institutions reduced to eight, in...
by Bruce | June 30, 2006 | Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management
OK, you’re going to have to trust me on this one: It’s a story about leadership taking off from an Everest expedition. What rescues it from almost certain death-by-cliche is both the high-quality source (Knowledge @ Wharton—now available as...