by Bruce | April 14, 2009 | Articles, Finance, Globalization, Leadership
Every once in awhile, a genuinely novel idea comes up in economics, and you would think that given the generally impenetrable, contradictory, and confused commentary emanating from far and wide about our current situation, now might be a propitious time for a truly...
by Bruce | April 8, 2009 | Articles, Finance, Globalization
More than ample is the ink that’s been spilled over trying to explain just exactly what we’re going through economically: Is it a bad recession? A near depression? Is it analogous to 1929? Is it analogous to….? Does our salvation lie in monetary...
by Bruce | March 28, 2009 | Articles, Finance, Globalization, Strategy
Is capitalism dead? The Financial Times has an ongoing series, The Future of Capitalism (I haven’t read it all, but "dubious" would seem to be the most apt one-word review so far), Knowledge @ Wharton has "revisited" the question...
by Bruce | March 23, 2009 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Book Reviews, Finance
From time to time, people ask me what I’m reading when trying to figure out what is going on in the economy these days. A glib response might be, "anything I can get my hands on," but the question deserves a more thoughtful response, so herewith a book...
by Bruce | March 17, 2009 | Articles, Compensation, Finance, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
The news out of Dewey & LeBoeuf–that 66 partners, or about one in five of their 350 partners, have seen their compensation cut over the past 15 months by up to 80%–begs for an explanation, or at least some commmentary. First, what’s going on in...
by Bruce | March 13, 2009 | Articles, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy
Well, that’ll teach me… The volume of commentary following my publication earlier this week of “The Great De-Leveraging” has been unprecedented. Depending on your attitude, that is either deeply gratifying or almost overwhelming. As one who...