A Call to Arms: III

The first installment in this series presented the background and basic ramifications of the proposal now pending in Congress to require law firms and other professional service firms with annual revenue over $10-million to adopt the accrual accounting basis and not...

A Call to Arms: II

In the first installment in this series, I outlined the proposal pending before Congress to require essentially all law firms with more than one or two dozen lawyers (more than $10-million in annual revenue) to switch from cash to accrual accounting. In this...

A Call to Arms: I

As creator of an online publication with worldwide readership, I suppose you might think it ill behooves me to launch a critical salvo at the media (“mainstream” and otherwise, a distinction increasingly without a difference), but I have often found...

Son of Great Depression

Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff, authors of the famous 2009 book This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, are back with a study reporting their follow-up research on how major economies of the world are dealing with the aftermath...

Lake Wobegone

A few highlights from The American Lawyer’s just-released annual law firm leaders survey: Five years in to the Great Reset, the way clients buy legal services has settled into a new normal: In-house capabilities are expanding; Price/fee pressure is relentless;...

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