by Bruce | May 3, 2013 | Articles, Compensation, Finance
This is the first column written by our new colleague here at Adam Smith, Esq., Richard Rapp. Trust me, it won’t be the last–Bruce. I enjoyed reading the recent exchange here (“What’s Your Client Mix,” April 9, 2013) triggered by...
by Bruce | April 30, 2013 | About the Site, Articles, Compensation, Finance, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Recruiting, Strategy
It is with great personal and professional pleasure that we announce Richard Rapp is joining Adam Smith, Esq. as Senior Advisor. Those of you who have learned even a little about the consulting side of Adam Smith, Esq. know that we have remained small by choice,...
by Bruce | March 27, 2013 | Articles, Compensation, Leadership, Recruiting, Strategy
I suspected as much all along. I’m referring to the recent admirably data-intensive study of lateral partner movement in London compiled and written by Mark Brandon of Motive Legal and published in The Lawyer a few days ago. This is must reading for anyone...
by Bruce | March 15, 2013 | Articles, Compensation, Profiles of Individuals
As most readers know, one of the irregular—but always popular—kinds of columns we publish are in the form of interviews with people who pass our rigorous 10-point test are intrinsically interesting. Recently I had the luck to get to know Herb Thomas, who immediately...
by Bruce | January 22, 2013 | Articles, Branding, Business Models, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Marketing
Permit me to paraphrase, and hopefully not mutilate, the lead from a recent article on strategy + business, the Booz & Co. (nee Booz Allen & Hamilton) online magazine: It’s a tough world …. New technologies … have permanently changed the [law firm...
by Bruce | November 16, 2012 | Articles, Business Models, Compensation, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Strategy
As we come to the final installment of the Growth is Dead series, I hope the challenge I’ve laid out for us is clear. Excess capacity Stagnant demand Cut-throat or “suicidal” discounting Unprecedented pressure on prices, from all directions,...