by Bruce | April 27, 2021 | Articles, Book Reviews, Compensation, Cultural Considerations
Across my desk a few weeks ago came BigLaw: Money & Meaning in the Modern Law Firm by Mitt Regan and Lisa Rohrer (U. Chicago Press: 2021). (I have known Mitt, a law Professor at Georgetown, for over a decade, and consider him a friend, as well as one of the most...
by Bruce | September 1, 2020 | About the Site, Book Reviews, Just Plain Interesting
Some of the books that have crossed my desk, and end-table, over the past few months. This year of Coronatide, I define “summer” loosely, as I suspect many of you do. Sometimes it all feels like March has been extended for an indefinite run. (September 1 would be...
by Bruce | July 30, 2018 | About the Site, Articles, Book Reviews
In the spirit of reader service, for those of you who might find the summer season has graced you with a bit more leisure time than usual, and on the hunt for a good book, your editor (that would be me) will list and briefly describe what I have been or am reading...
by Bruce | June 27, 2018 | Articles, Book Reviews, Finance, Leadership, Question of the Month
According to the recently released 2018 Altman Weil “Law Firms in Transition” (an annual survey they’ve been doing for a decade with invaluable longitudinal data at this point), in 51% of firms surveyed equity partners are “not busy...
by Bruce | November 22, 2017 | About the Site, Articles, Book Reviews
Tomorrowland, our third book (2017), has just been released in Spanish translation–becoming Mundos del Manana. Thanks to the multi-talented Antonio Leal Holguin, Director, Adam Smith, Esq. (Bogota and Santiago), for the translation and Chris Hoffman of...
by Bruce | November 12, 2017 | About the Site, Articles, Book Reviews, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Globalization, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Practice Group Management, Strategy, Technology strategy
Many readers will know that this past spring I published my third book, Tomorrowland: Scenarios for law firms beyond the horizon. With the author’s permission, I reproduce here the Introduction to Tomorrowland. I hope you might find it of interest. The future...