by Bruce | December 30, 2006 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Cultural Considerations, Just Plain Interesting
At "Adam Smith, Esq.," we don’t talk about Adam Smith himself very much, but at year-end it seems appropriate to pay a moment’s homage to this site’s intellectual godfather and, I hope, provide those of you who may not have studied him...
by Bruce | November 8, 2006 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Book Reviews, Globalization
James Buchan, The Authentic Adam Smith (W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.: New York, 2006) has recently come out and it is an irresistible selection for this month’s "Adam Smith, Esq." Monthly Book Review. I hope you understand. Buchan, a Brit,...
by Bruce | October 30, 2006 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Finance
Courtesy of a UK reader comes word that Adam Smith will adorn the new £20 banknote to be issued by the Bank of England next spring. In The Guardian’s coverage, the headline is "Adam Smith becomes first Scot to adorn an English banknote."...
by Bruce | August 7, 2006 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Strategy
We all negotiate: Some of us for a living, others of us just in order to live. Most of us, I suspect, approach a negotiation without much of a coherent view or approach on what distinguishes a successful and effective negotiation, that leaves both parties...
by Bruce | June 5, 2006 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles
Today, June 5, we celebrate the 283rd Birthday of Adam Smith, born in Kirkcaldy (pronounced kir-kawdy), Scotland, about 10 miles north of Edinburgh across the Firth of Forth. Actually, the precise date of his birth is unrecorded and unknown, but we do know that...
by Bruce | June 1, 2006 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Compensation, Finance, Just Plain Interesting
From the Journal of Economic Education (hat tip to "Truth on the Market") comes the first study I’m familiar with examining whether the choice of undergraduate major has any effect on a lawyer’s career earnings. And guess what? If you...