by Bruce | June 16, 2016 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles
Born June 16, 1723, Kirkcauldy, Fyfe, Scotland Today he turns 293.
by Bruce | June 14, 2015 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles
Today is Adam Smith’s birthday: 1723, so he would be 292 today. Well, at least we think so. His birth was registered at the church in Kirkcaldy, Scotland (just across the Firth of Forth north of Edinburgh, not 10 miles as the crow flies) on 5 June 1723, so...
by Bruce | September 3, 2013 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Just Plain Interesting
Ronald Coase died Monday in Chicago at 102. The Nobel Laureate in Economics in 1991, his two most famous papers, The Nature of the Firm (1937) and The Problem of Social Cost (1960) began by asking such profoundly simple questions—the word “childlike” is...
by Bruce | July 3, 2013 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Book Reviews
A publishing rite at this time of year is for sites far and wide to offer their own recommended “Best Summer Reading” lists. For all things there’s a first, so here is Adam Smith, Esq.’s First Annual Summer Reading List. (And I reserve the...
by Bruce | June 5, 2013 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles
Born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, June 5, 1723; died in Edinburgh July 17, 1790, at age 67. (There’s some question as to his exact date of birth, but June 5, 1723 was the date his baptism was recorded and it’s all but universally deemed his birthday.) He’s...
by Bruce | June 5, 2012 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles
Born June 5, 1723, Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Died July 17, 1790, Edinburgh. Today would be his 289th birthday.