by Bruce | July 17, 2024 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Ineffable, Just Plain Interesting
Adam Smith died today, July 17, in 1790, in Edinburgh. He was 67. His gravesite is in Canongate Kirkyard on the “Royal Mile,” Edinburgh’s most famous street by far, which runs from from Edinburgh Castle. the highest point in town, down to ...
by Bruce | September 17, 2023 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Branding, Ineffable, Just Plain Interesting
Over this past summer, a client, who has become a friend, asked us what the “back story” is behind the name of our firm. (Presumably he found the name ingenious or bizarre or some combination thereof.) Be that as it may, after we explained the origin he said he...
by Bruce | July 30, 2023 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Just Plain Interesting
From the wide-ranging and customarily sane Virginia Postrel over at Reason comes a summer bijou: Gadgets and gizmos from Adam Smith’s time. Let’s start with what the self-respecting man about town might have carried with him as he set out for the day....
by Bruce | June 5, 2023 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Just Plain Interesting
June 5, 1723. What would he have to say to us today?
by Bruce | November 3, 2022 | Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Book Reviews, Just Plain Interesting
Across my desk a couple of weeks ago came an advance copy of Glory Liu’s Adam Smith’s America: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an Icon of American Capitalism (Princeton University Press, Princeton & Oxford: 2022). The author, although a new name to...
by Bruce | August 28, 2022 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Just Plain Interesting
And now for something rather different. Not infrequently we’re asked how, or why we named our firm Adam Smith, Esq. The short and true somewhat beside-the-point answer is that it’s a bit of wordplay on the intersection of economics (Adam Smith) and law...