by Bruce | December 13, 2005 | About the Site, Articles
My humblest and most sincere apologies, but for about the past 24 hours “Adam Smith, Esq.” was, alternately, not rendering correctly in Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.The issue, for the geeks in the audience, had to do with how those browsers...
by Bruce | December 11, 2005 | About the Site, Articles
As you’ve doubtless noticed (unless you’re an RSS subsriber), we’re rearranging the site’s layout, by splitting into three columns vs. the original two. The goal is to put more material "above the fold" (i.e., above the scroll-down...
by Bruce | November 30, 2005 | About the Site, Articles, Just Plain Interesting
With pride I would like to announce the release this morning of "BlawgWorld 2006," the first in what is promised to be an annual series of "e-books" comprising the best of the blawgosphere, brought to you by our friends at TechnoLawyer. In...
by Bruce | November 28, 2005 | About the Site, Articles
And I quote from today’s "BlawgReview #34" hosted by Douglas Sorocco of PHOSITA fame ("phosita" stands for "persons having ordinary skill in the art," which in turn is part of the standard for granting or denying a patent—the...
by Bruce | November 24, 2005 | About the Site, Articles
…From the Upper West Side. (The night-before balloon-inflating beats the parade itself, for our money.)
by Bruce | November 15, 2005 | About the Site, Articles, Globalization, M&A, Strategy
Bloomberg Radio interviewed me live early yesterday afternoon in connection with the release of the 2005 National Law Journal 250 rankings—and specifically about the reasons behind the 4.4% jump in headcount (the largest year over year increase since 2001). The...