by Bruce | December 31, 2006 | About the Site, Articles
To All Our Valued Readers: Sincere best wishes for a splendid, invigorating, prosperous 2007
by Bruce | December 31, 2006 | About the Site, Articles, Cultural Considerations, Leadership, Partnership Structures, Strategy
Having been tagged separately and independently by J. Craig Williams and by Gerry Riskin to contribute to the meme launched by Stephanie West Allen and Julie Fleming Brown to participate in the "Lawyers Appreciate…" round-robin, I feel it incumbent...
by Bruce | December 30, 2006 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Cultural Considerations, Just Plain Interesting
At "Adam Smith, Esq.," we don’t talk about Adam Smith himself very much, but at year-end it seems appropriate to pay a moment’s homage to this site’s intellectual godfather and, I hope, provide those of you who may not have studied him...
by Bruce | December 6, 2006 | About the Site, Articles, Globalization, Just Plain Interesting, Knowledge Management, Technology strategy
As the legal blogosphere goes from childhood to adolescence to (eventually) full-throated adulthood, I’ve enjoyed not just contributing my own small efforts to that process, but also being able to be an armchair observer of other developments having nothing...
by Bruce | November 8, 2006 | About the Site, Articles, Marketing
A few months ago an online flurry of commentary erupted over proposed amendments to the rules that govern lawyer advertising in New York. Among other things, the proposals would define the term "advertisement" extremely broadly as any public...
by Bruce | October 30, 2006 | About the Site, Adam Smith Himself, Articles, Finance
Courtesy of a UK reader comes word that Adam Smith will adorn the new £20 banknote to be issued by the Bank of England next spring. In The Guardian’s coverage, the headline is "Adam Smith becomes first Scot to adorn an English banknote."...