Featured Article
The Beauty of the Eisenhower Box
This column is by Janet Stanton, Partner, Adam Smith, Esq. One of the most enduring and vexing problems we all face (almost all the time) is how to sort through the myriad competing (conflicting?), shifting priorities that arise minute-by-minute and pull us in all... read more +Letter from New York
Regular readers are familiar with our periodic custom of penning “Letters from…”when we’ve spent a meaningful amount of time in “…” and want to offer some observations, insights, and commentary on that particular city and market. We’re not traveling. That can mean...
Happy Birthday, Adam Smith!
Born June 5*, 1723, Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Happy 297th! *For the pedantic in the crowd, "June 5" is subject to a certain degree of flexibility in interpretation. It's the date on which his baptism was recorded as having taken place, and given the centrality and...
Build Back Better: How to Learn from Coronatide
A premise of our "Build Back Better" focus du jour (actually, du l'annee) is that we've already drastically changed many things about how we conventionally worked, so we can change more. McKinsey has also been thinking (and writing) about this topic, and in...
Memorial Day
Build Back Better: Welcome Back to the Office?
We’ve written that it’s not quite true that we know nothing about “the other side” of this global pox, and currently holding the pole position among things we abruptly realized will look different is that as of, say, 10 weeks ago, we all were used to large-scale,...