Featured Article
How High the Sky?
We’re in the thick of BigLaw’s year-end earnings season, where firms left and right are reporting their FY2024 financial results. The numbers of greatest interest from a macro-industry perspective–setting aside the perennial gossip-intensive zero... read more +Back to the Office! (What’s the Rush?)
We have a theory. Abandoning the office—as one Managing Partner put it, “like the fire alarm went off, everybody out now”—was the easy part. Going back will pose one of the most complex management challenges to law firms posed by the pandemic, a puzzle with many...
Easing Out Under-Performers–Gracefully (Build Back Better)
The following column is by Janet Stanton, Partner, Adam Smith, Esq. One of the most vexing issues for law firms is that of under-performing lawyers. And, let’s be clear from the get-go, we’re talking about chronic underperformance; not someone having, say, one bad...
Resilience & The Post-Covid World (Build Back Better): Part 3
When we ended Part 2 of this series, we had discussed the data showing (1) that the conventional wisdom about the AmLaw firms growing relentlessly to the sky was, uh, Fake News (h/t to Jae Um), (2) that the real picture is one of increasing segmentation among law...
Resilience and the Post-Covid World Part 2 (Build Back Better)
What will differentiate winning firms from “mere” survivors is adaptability. As the Organization for Economic Development wrote in 2019: Resilience centers on the ability not only to resist and recover from adverse shocks, but also to “bounce back” stronger than...
“The Hill We Climb”
By Amanda Gorman, Poet Laureate of the United States: Delivered 20 January 2021 When day comes, we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet...