Featured Article
How High the Sky?
We’re in the thick of BigLaw’s year-end earnings season, where firms left and right are reporting their FY2024 financial results. The numbers of greatest interest from a macro-industry perspective–setting aside the perennial gossip-intensive zero... read more +Earnings Season: What Would the Haruspex* Say?
Every year around this time—earnings season for law firms—we’re fond of saying, “Averages mislead.” When the trade media report that, overall the entire industry had a great year, or the AmLaw 50/100/200 had a great year, or regional middle market players (fill in the...
Book Review: “BigLaw: Money & Meaning in the Modern Law Firm”
Across my desk a few weeks ago came BigLaw: Money & Meaning in the Modern Law Firm by Mitt Regan and Lisa Rohrer (U. Chicago Press: 2021). (I have known Mitt, a law Professor at Georgetown, for over a decade, and consider him a friend, as well as one of the most...
You’ll Save $$ on Real Estate: So??
Universally, everyone is hearing that firms plan to make significant cuts in real estate spend starting, well, starting as soon as the next office lease comes up for renewal. How “substantial” might those cuts be? You would think a massive and sophisticated industry...
Talking New Law & Big Law with Joe Borstein of LexFusion
The Problem with Partnerships
THERE was never any thing by the wit of man so well devised, or so surely established, which (in continuance of time) hath not been corrupted: as (emong other thinges) it may plainly appere by the common prayers in the Churche, commonlye called divine service. —The...