How High the Sky?

We’re in the thick of BigLaw’s year-end earnings season, where firms left and right are reporting their FY2024 financial results.  The numbers of greatest interest from a macro-industry perspective–setting aside the perennial gossip-intensive zero... read more +

China 101

If you're like me, you may be troubled at the thought of all that you do not know or understand about China.  And, if you realize the depth of your ignorance on something so important, you ask the smartest people you know about That Something what you should read on...

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Captive ALSP’s Are a Dead End: Discuss

This is our original unedited version of an article which our friends at Thomson Reuters' Forum magazine were kind enough to print in the current issue.  Now that they have had it exclusively for a suitable grace period, we reproduce it below for readers of Adam...

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Tales from the Client Service Front

We've had our corporate checking account with Bank of America for over 15 years.  This is the story of why it's no longer there. A few weeks backI got a letter in the mail from BofA and luckily did not toss it aside unopened as very-likely-spam.  It announced that our...

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Fun With Numbers: Global Edition

ALM recently released its “2021 Global 200” law firms.  (The “2021” rankings reflect FY 2020 results, as is ALM’s somewhat perverse custom.)  These are, by their count, the largest 200 firms in the world by revenue.   They also released the “2021 Global” firms ranked...

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Bruce MacEwen, President
direct: +1.212.866.4800
mobile: .+1.212.866.2630
New York

Janet Stanton, Partner
direct: +1.212.866.4270
New York

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