Featured Article
Bloomberg Law Interview on the Non-Equity Tier
With yours truly live on camera. Thanks to our “BLaw” friends for making this possible. Feel free to... read more +Calling All Associates: How’s The New Normal for You?
Dear Reader-associates. With the heavy lifting done by our friends at Above the Law, we wanted to draw your attention to a brand-new survey delving into how associates have been experiencing the pandemic/lockdown, how their firms and bosses have behaved or...
The Associate Comp Wars & Thick/Thin Communities
I don’t have the grey cells or, frankly, the spare time to keep track, blow by blow, of the Great Associate Comp Wars of 2022, but fortunately Above the Law does and has. From January 20th of this year, when Milbank kicked off the festival of riches arms’ race,...
Planning for the Unknowable: Part 2
In our first installment of this two-part series, we left off by asking why the composition of the Fortune 500 across a quarter-century span, from 1995 to 2020—widely thought of as an era of widespread disruption for major corporations—had actually been remarkably...
Planning for the Unknowable: Part 1
As glimmers of dawn begin to appear (shock! awe! disbelief!) at the end of our long night of Covid, it seems timely to address the question of how leaders can plan for a new period that is completely unknowable. (I know, I know; "Don't jinx it, Bruce, by even...
Standout Reporting on A Systemic Problem
Every once in awhile, a piece of legal journalism--heck, we're not grading on a curve here, folks--business and economics journalism with the legal industry as its subject--is so thorough, nuanced, and generously sourced that it demands a tip of the hat. So with Kate...