Featured Article
How High the Sky?
We’re in the thick of BigLaw’s year-end earnings season, where firms left and right are reporting their FY2024 financial results. The numbers of greatest interest from a macro-industry perspective–setting aside the perennial gossip-intensive zero... read more +Your Comp Plan Motivates All the Right Behaviors (You Sure About That?)
We've worked with a lot of law firms over the years and an evergreen topic of discussion is their partner compensation plan--how it's structured overall, if it's aligned to the firm's strategy, and then all the devilish details to be worked out: where it fits on the...
A Sense of Place (It Matters After All)
Geography--a "sense of place"--is often taken for granted as the inevitable but fundamentally random by-product of historical happenstance, and almost never appreciated for the strategic dimension it provides--like it or not. Because it's seen as foreordained, law...
Law Firms Fail in the Oddest Way (All of Them)
Recently across my desk came a copy of a thoughtful and comprehensive article on why law firms collapse. Or rather, I should say, a pair of articles on that topic, both by John Morley, Yale law professor {his name was not familiar to me). The pair of articles consists...
A Late Summer Reflection: The Real Adam Smith
And now for something rather different. Not infrequently we're asked how, or why we named our firm Adam Smith, Esq. The short and true somewhat beside-the-point answer is that it's a bit of wordplay on the intersection of economics (Adam Smith) and law (the...
Two Nasty Trends About to Collide?
We distributed this column several weeks ago to our "friends and family" opt-in email list (which has a handsome level of subscribers and is free--what's taking you so long? [sign up at the foot of our homepage]) but herewith on our public site. You may not like what...