Periodically, I feel it incumbent upon myself to report to you, Dear Reader, my indispensable audience, on what I know about the "Adam Smith, Esq." community.
So, based on reader surveys and stats logs from my hosting company, and without further ado:
- 73% of you are in the US, 27% of you not.
- The leading non-US countries, in order of readership, are the UK, Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong. After that it’s anyone’s bet, including one reader (self-reported) in Kazakhstan.
- About 30% of you are in AmLaw 100.
- About 55% of you are in the AmLaw 200.
- General counsel are a minute readership: < 1%.
- Most of the rest of you are:
- Staff or other "non-lawyers" in law firms,
- law professors,
- law students,
- the media, and
- "non-law."
- About 30% of you are associates.
- About 22% of you are partners (and compare those proportions to the real world: "Adam Smith, Esq." skews towards partners).
- Among partners, a disproportionate percentage of you are on the management/executive committee
- Among people on the management/executive committee, a disproportionate percentage of you are managing partners.
So that’s your profile.
A few other facts about the "Adam Smith, Esq." profile:
- I started the site at the very end of 2003.
- There are now nearly 1,000 articles (you’ll hear about it when we hit that milestone).
- And yes, I write every single word myself–with the obvious exception of guest columns, which you can count on the fingers of one hand.
- Site traffic is about a third of a million page-views per month: A recent low might be 310,000, and a recent high might be 360,000, but a third of a million seems a fair approximation.
- About 3,000 of you subscribe to my monthly email newsletter.
So concludes the report to readers.
Except for one last all-important question: What would you like to see more or less or different coverage of?
Please let me know. And rest assured that the editor and publisher is always in.