Alone among the professions—I submit—we are statistically innumerate and implacable in our refusal to entertain probabilities, odds, reasoned judgments, and cost/benefit tradeoffs.  Doctors know when heroic measures will be unavailing; engineers stress-test models of everything from bridges to airplane wings to calculate acceptable failure modes; architects can guess which roofs will blow off in Category 5 hurricanes; even dentists, for heaven’s sake, know that fillings, caps, and crowns will eventually fail.

And entrepreneurs, of course, know that failure comes with the territory.

Much has been written about Silicon Valley’s tolerance for, even celebration of, failure. Now that people have actually studied it, they’ve found it makes sense.  Here’s why, as explained a few months ago in Inc.:

"In the start-up world, failure is almost synonymous with learning experience. Being a founder who has failed before signals to the community that, one, you’ve done this before, and, two, you’ve gathered information on what doesn’t work and are better armed to create something that does."

Daniel Isenberg, the founding executive director of the Babson Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project, says to truly understand failure, it’s necessary to look beyond the individual blip of a single start-up failing to gain wide user traction and going belly-up. It’s also necessary to look past a given entrepreneur’s track record.

In Isenberg’s eyes, it’s a much broader picture. When geographies and their governments embrace start-up failures, they catalyze economic growth.  

"If you look at really entrepreneurial countries or regions, you see very high failure rates," he says. "Lots of businesses opening and closing. That churn is failure." 

In other words, not punishing failure leads to stronger long-term growth. 

Other industries, and companies, learn through failure. We bury our failures.

But this fault – and make no mistake, it’s a categorical fault – is in our nature as lawyers.

We cannot willingly enter into situations where failure comes with the territory. We can’t weather the criticism, can’t risk the second-guessing, don’t have the emotional fortitude or resilience to explain why what we did was a thoughtfully calculated risk and one we’d do again.

I submit that our rigid intolerance for failure is so extreme and ultimately perverse that it disables us from being capable of sound decisionmaking.

Going forward will require a different mindset.

Are we capable of it?

As it turns out, I lied. There will be another installment in this series.

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