Welcome to the new—and we believe improved—Adam Smith, Esq.
The original Adam Smith, Esq. site launched nine years ago and it was past due for a facelift. Indeed, if internet years are dog years, the site was eligible for Social Security. You are looking at the result of a complete rebuilding from the ground up.
We know website redesigns are vastly more fascinating to the publishers of the site than to the readers, but since we deeply value the worldwide community that comes to Adam Smith, Esq., a few quick words of background.
We started work on this about six months ago, and with the help of our gifted and insightful graphic design guru, Chris Hoffman of faucethead creative, inc., we endeavored to:
- Make the new “look and feel” of the site crisp, clean, modern, and elegant.
- Clarify who we are, what we do, and who we do it for.
- All while remaining true to the intrinsic essence of Adam Smith, Esq., rooted in critical thinking, analysis, and writing—hence the new script logo.
While we were at it, we moved to an entirely different publishing platform which should make your experience reading and commenting simpler and cleaner.
Oh, and not to worry: We transferred over the entire archive of articles and columns from the old “Adam Smith, Esq.”—nothing was lost—and this very column is #1,200.
Most importantly, we are as dedicated as ever to thinking critically, creatively, and broadly about “the economics of law firms” and the lives of all those involved with, dependent upon, and dedicated to, them.