Legal Week has a nice feature out today about the impact of online publications, journalism, and yes–the dreaded “b” word, blogs–on the state of the legal industry.
For the record, the site you are reading is not a “b###.” But don’t take my word for it. Based on the definitive analysis of the difference between online publications and blogs, recently published in Slate (“This is not a blog post”), Adam Smith, Esq. falls on the publication side of the divide and not the b### side because columns here are not primarily “reactions to something that already existed in the media or on the Internet but…essays that are not riffs on outside material, weightier, original pieces.”
Be that as it may…
I’m flattered to report that Legal Week featured Adam Smith, Esq. If you’re curious, please see New Ideas in Law: The Road to Adam Smith, Esq.
And you can now officially be relieved to know that you’re not reading a b###.