Very quick interim “flash” report on the Reader Survey.
To begin with, in the very few days since we launched it, well over 100 of you have taken the time to respond. Nice going, readers! We thank you very much for this clear demonstration of how engaged you are with Adam Smith, Esq. I have had a chance to skim some of the open-ended comments very quickly and they are without exception thoughtful, nuanced, well informed, and exceedingly helpful.
I wanted to provide just two quick snapshots of who you are telling us you are, if for no other reason than I find it fascinating and I hope you might find it of at least passing interest as well.
First, in terms of your positions, here’s the breakdown:
In case this is hard to read (it is), the chart reads clockwise starting from about 4:00 o’clock with the “Managing Partner/Firm Chair/CEO” slice (light orange, between the grey above and the blue below). The large purple slice running from about 4pm to 7pm is “partner” (20%) and the still larger orange slice from about 7pm to about 10 pm is “associate” (29%). Other notable constituencies include executives and staff at law firms (13% total, the bright green and dull gold slices from 10 pm to 12) and in-house counsel (the baby blue slice at high noon, 6%).
Next is what type of firm you are in. Here’s the chart, then the recap:
The largest slice, orange, running from 4pm to nearly 9pm, is “AmLaw 50” (39%). Second most popular (dark blue, from 9pm to 10 pm) is AmLaw 51–100 (13%), and then AmLaw 101–200 (purple, from 10pm to 11pm, 9%). The other two substantial cohorts are “One Office,” gold, from 1pm to 2pm (17%) and “Non-US” (bright blue, from 2pm to 4pm, 13%).
Again, thanks to all of you who have already participated; For those of you who have not, click here to take the Survey!
And remember you have the option at the end of signing up to be entered in the random drawing for a $200 VISA gift card. Don’t say Adam Smith, Esq. never did anything for you….