The attentive among you may recall that I
was in London last November where, among other things, I was pleased
and flattered to have been asked by Guy Beringer of Allen & Overy to
participate in a panel hosted at A&O’s Bishopsgate headquarters on "Measuring
Law Firm Success." That discussion, and that topic, have now been
handed over to The Law Society of England & Wales, where they recently
launched coverage of the event that I was able to participate in as well
as ongoing efforts. They describe it thus:
"The Law Society is taking forward an initiative to explore ways of measuring
the success of law firms. The initiative will look beyond the blunt instrument
of profit per equity partner to the longer-term sustainability of firms, including
business strategy, client care, employee engagement, innovation, social capital
and efficiency."Our initiative is prompted by a significant and innovative project launched
by Allen & Overy during 2007, and follows their request that the Society
takes the project profession-wide. We are grateful for the opportunity to
do so. "
Now available online are a summary
of the seminar held at A&O, and the presentation
I gave.
I would be interested in any thoughts or opinions this prompts.