Having been tagged separately and independently by J.
Craig Williams and by Gerry
Riskin to contribute to the meme launched by Stephanie
West Allen and Julie
Fleming Brown to participate in the "Lawyers Appreciate…" round-robin,
I feel it incumbent upon myself to respond before the midnight Dec. 31st deadline,
so without further ado:
Lawyers appreciate professional management at senior executive
levels of their firms. Lawyers are not taught, and by and large don’t
care to learn about:
- competitive strategy
- management 101
- finance
- marketing
- IT, or
- human resources.
Erego those functions should be left strictly under adult supervision. Hire
worldly-wise and savvy strategic advisers, Chief Operating Officers, Chief
Financial Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, CIO’s, and heads of HR, and get
the lawyers out of their way.
What lawyers do
care about is
professional excellence, a collegial and fulfilling atmosphere, and above all
else the ability to serve appreciative clients with impeccable legal counsel. Lawyers
appreciate being able to focus on that to the exclusion of all else. Let