Patrick McKenna and I have
plans up our sleeve(s?) to get the dozen or so "Chief Strategy Officers"
that we’ve been able to identify in the AmLaw 200 together for a day—probably
in mid- to late June, and probably in Washington, DC (though time and
place are still tentative).

The purpose of this note is to get anyone specifically or primarily
responsible for Strategy at your firm, and who we haven’t contacted already,
to raise your hand and let
me know
if you’d be interested in attending.

What we have in mind is summarized here, but the genesis of the notion
is simple:

  • A few years ago Patrick interviewed the tiny handful of "CSO’s" that
    he could then identify, but in revisiting the issue recently, together,
    we discovered that there are 12 or 15 people who have the word "strategy"
    or "planning" or such-like in their title.
  • We assumed—because more than one told us so—that it would
    be worthwhile for as many of them as possible to get together for a
    day just to discuss issues of common interest.
  • So that’s what we’re attempting to pull off.

Needless to say, you’ll read all about it right here assuming we generate
enough interest to do it.

Did I mention that Patrick and I believe Strategy Really Matters?

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