, Managing Editor of London-based pm magazine,
who was gracious enough to agree to an interview when
I was over there last fall, just forwarded one of
the fruits of that meeting to me, an article I co-authored
with Bruce Marcus titled
"Blogs—The new community of interests."   The
thrust of the article is simple:

"The power of blogs derives from their online
essence: available and update-able 24/7,
with global reach, they are tailor-made for
targeting narrow and usually passionate
niche interests.  They rapidly reach an audience
of participants that would be
completely impractical to reach in the offline
world, thereby constituting a collective
intelligence of enormous professional value."

A word about the PM
Forum itself
:  If you’re unfamiliar with it, it’s
a tremendous
resource which every serious marketing professional should
know about: 

"The PM Forum is a 4,000 strong
regionally-based members’ association, formed in 1996,
dedicated to raising the standards of professional services
marketing and to enhancing the credibility of marketers
working in professional service firms worldwide."

So enjoy the article, and explore PM Forum.  (Thanks
again, Nadia!)

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