When it was first announced several months ago, I noted Reed-Smith’s
creation of an ambitious initiative into executive education
called "Reed Smith University," created in partnership
with the Wharton School of Business.  At the time, I
asked rhetorically whether it might be the start of a trend,
calling that "devoutly to be wished."  While
signs of such a trend remain firmly invisible, I thought
it timely to revisit "RSU" since it is such a shockingly
obvious and powerful venture; that more firms are not emulating
it is too dispiriting to discuss.

First up is simply an updated and enhanced description of
what RSU is all about, here.  Going
behind the curtains a little further is Denise
, an
esteemed member of the "Savvy Blawgers" panel here at Adam
Smith, Esq., and perhaps not coincidentally herself counsel at
Reed-Smith.   In this interview, Mike Buckley,
"dean" of the technology school at RSU, notes

"Lawyers and the firms they manage are usually
traditional, rather conservative, slow to change and resistant
to technology. RS is breaking that mold and has already made
great strides in reshaping its management and culture to
be able to take advantage of 21st century business methods."

Read that second sentence again; I warned you that it was both
shockingly obvious, and powerful.  Developments like this
are inspiring enough to more than compensate for the litany
of managerial malpractice that we occasionally delve into hereabouts.
  Attention must be paid.

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