It hasn’t taken the legal blogosphere long—just barely over
the weekend—but help is on the way In Re:  Decloaking
Associates.  David
may or may not have been the first to suggest it,
but as of this morning Kevin Heller at TechLawAdvisor has
offered free server-space to any and all associates who want to
be "de-cloaked."  According to Kevin’s email:

"If you want to make yourself “available for hire” then
please submit your information to me and I will post it on the Legal
Jobs Blog
under the title: Available: ….

If you simply want to have your contact information and biographical
information listed then you can submit that and I will create
a new directory entitled Decloaked Associates."

Monica Bay has also weighed in, "scolding" the
firms for the mindset their actions reveal:

This is the stupidest move I’ve heard in a very long time. WHEN are law firm partners going to understand that you don’t gain loyalty, commitment, and a sense of participation by treating people like second-class citizens.

Meanwhile, in separate
private correspondence, I have heard from more than one recruiter
that if firms are worried about associate attrition, the best
way to call attention to themselves is to "cloak" their associates
.  All
the recruiters who mentioned this said they re-doubled their efforts
at targeting associates at such firms, assuming the firm did it
for a reason—i.e.,
that they had retention/attrition problems.

I will resist the temptation to dress this up as a morality tale,
but I must observe that it is a serendipitous intersection of two
of my favorite themes:  The power of the blogosphere combined
with the always-potent law of unintended consequences.   Will
it be long before there’s a T-shirt:  "Free the Cloaked Associates!"

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