by Bruce | November 23, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Cultural Considerations, Practice Group Management, Question of the Month
You know what to do! Check this space for final results. Polls will remain open until the Board of Elections (yours truly) says they’re closed. No recounts. [poll id=”21″]
by Bruce | November 12, 2020 | Articles, Ineffable, Marketing, Strategic Client Management
This column is by Janet Stanton, Partner, Adam Smith, Esq. Slogans just don’t work for law firms. This from a girl who spent the better part her career working with organizations that often lived or died by their taglines: “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee,” “We don’t...
by Bruce | November 7, 2020 | Articles, Ineffable
The horror has come now like a storm—what if this night prefigured the night after death—what if all thereafter was an eternal quivering on the edge of an abyss, with everything base and vicious in oneself urging one forward and the baseness and viciousness of the...
by Bruce | November 3, 2020 | Articles, Ineffable
by Bruce | October 29, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Finance, Leadership, Strategy
I come not to bury the office, but to praise it. Kind of. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed human and economic behavior in a myriad of ways, and we can all stipulate that overall we’ve been living through a period that has inflicted tragedy at the human level, wreaked...
by Bruce | October 25, 2020 | Articles, Business Models, Leadership
The following column is by Janet Stanton, Partner, Adam Smith, Esq. The Leopard Law firm Index was launched earlier this month to great acclaim. Many law firms are asking us what it means to them and how they can use it. These are excellent questions and we’ll...
by Bruce | October 12, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Globalization, Leadership, Strategy
In our “Build Back Better” series discussing how law firms, and the rest of the legal services industry, may [want to] change once humanity emerges from this surreal Coronatide interregnum, we’ve focused on the microeconomics of the industry, if you will: The office...
by Bruce | October 7, 2020 | Articles, Finance, NewLaw, Strategy
No, there are not “too many” NewLaw companies. But there are undoubtedly a lot. This map of the market, courtesy of Catalyst, is three years old and you know the ecosystem has only gotten bigger since then: We are in the Cambrian Explosion...
by Bruce | October 5, 2020 | Articles, Branding, Build Back Better, Business Models, Finance, Leadership, Practice Group Management, Recruiting, Strategy
For years—decades, really—the legal industry has suffered from a woeful shortage of meaningful, truly informative ratings of law firms.[1] Today we intend to change that. Introducing the Leopard Law Firm Index, powered by Leopard Solutions and in partnership with...
by Bruce | October 1, 2020 | Articles, Build Back Better, Client Relationships, Cultural Considerations, Finance, Leadership, Marketing, Strategic Client Management, Strategy
The following article is by Janet Stanton, Partner, Adam Smith, Esq. Note: This article was recently sent to our subscriber list. (See what you’re missing??) Now that we are squarely in an era of new possibilities and are thoroughly inoculated to the notion...