Case Studies

A few representative case studies of our recent work with clients.  When we work with you, you can be certain of a few things:

  • You will work only with our senior principals, Bruce MacEwen and Janet Stanton. Although we have a multi-talented team behind us, we do not believe there is or should be such a thing as a junior consultant.
  • We approach each engagement as agnostics.  We have no pre-packaged one-size-fits-all (or even one-size-fits-a-few) solution.  We follow where the data and our broad and deep reservoir of experience in Law Land leads us.
  • We believe in quantitative, qualitative, and shoe leather research.  We seek to take advantage of all publicly available sources of information combined with in-person conversations and discussions and meetings with key participants in the pertinent markets.

Law Firm Governance

Elite boutique transitioning from its 1st generation needed to update its Partnership Agreement

Key Issues
The Partnership Agreement, written upon the firm’s founding was no longer suitable as the firm matured into its 2nd generation. Further, certain elements of firm governance were ill-defined including elections, voting, nominations, and aspects related to terms. There was also a desire to build in more protections for the firm related to partner withdrawals and capital requirements…

read the full case study +

Merger Analysis

A single-city firm was considering expanding its regional footprint.,

Key Issues
The Managing Partner of a firm we’d worked with for several years had identified a target firm in the region as a possible merger/combination candidate.  He’d determined that there was interest at the candidate firm.  Adam Smith, Esq. was engaged to analyze the pros and cons of the proposed transaction…

read the full case study +

Compensation Redesign

AmLaw firm’s compensation plan was at odds with its new strategic direction

Key Issues

Our client realized its outdated compensation system was an obstacle to the successful implementation of its recently adopted strategic plan which emphasized collaboration and cross-serving.  The outmoded plan rewarded individual effort for both origination and working on matters; clearly not an equilibrium situation!  Further, the old plan had so many criteria (over 20) for financial recognition as to be meaningless and confusing to the partnership.

We were asked to start with a clean sheet or paper with an eye to thoroughly updating their compensation system.

read the full case study +

Alternative Services Research

Elite North American firm wanted to explore offering alternative legal services

Key Issues

With the proliferation of alternative legal service providers, our client wanted to explore the viability of their providing similar services to their clients, wondering if offering lower-end services would in any way tarnish their brand image.  As is often the case, there was a time crunch; they were seeking material findings in time for their partner meeting – two-months hence…

read the full case study +

Strategic Analysis, Recommendations, & Implementation

AmLaw firm with a regional concentration hadn’t kept up-to-date

Key Issues

Over the years, through unfocused lateral hiring and geographic expansion, the firm was losing its marketplace distinction.  …

read the full case study +

Succession Planning

Simple solution to an existential threat for an AmLaw 100 firm

Key Issue

AmLaw 100 firm was facing a common problem these days – the wholesale retirement of Boomer partners.  Unfortunately, their outdated compensation system featured “perpetual” origination credit for clients—giving partners every incentive to hoard legacy clients and resist smooth, or any, transition to next generation of relationship partners…

read the full case study +


Elite North American firm wanted to explore offering alternative legal services.

Key Issues
With the proliferation of alternative legal service providers, our client wanted to explore the viability of their providing similar services to their clients, wondering if offering lower-end services would in any way tarnish their brand image…

read the full case study +

All-partner retreat and conference

Mid-size domestic US AmLaw 200 firm with marquee practice specialization.

Key Issues
Brought in to plan and execute agenda for biennial equity partner retreat scheduled for just weeks away–first such retreat for new managing partner succeeding predecessor with 15+ year tenure…

read the full case study +

Where We’ll Be

There’s no substitute for face to face. Meeting in person invites nuance, shading, adds dimensions to communication, and fosters stronger relationships. So, we travel. Here are a few of our upcoming locations. Are you in the area? Want to meet? Let us know.

We have new events coming soon.
View upcoming events +



Bruce MacEwen, President
direct: +1.212.866.4800
mobile: .+1.212.866.2630
New York

Janet Stanton, Partner
direct: +1.212.866.4270
New York

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